
Surfside Community Center Opening Day

On Sunday, June 19th, the new Community Center in Surfside opened it’s doors – and a lot of people showed up.

It was a great time with free food, free photo booths, a DJ, balloons, ice cream… The list goes on and on and the town did a fantastic job! The evening concluded with a great fireworks show, right in front of our building!

Here’s a panoramic photo I put together from the event.

Surfside Community Center Opening day

Click the image to see a larger version!

Here’s another panorama shot I took from our terrace in Surfside

Click the image to see a larger version!

new work print

Pusser’s Rum Cake Design

I designed the labels and packaging for the new Pusser’s Rum cake. I also had the opportunity to be involved with the recipe tasting and advising on the finished product which contains over 3 oz. of Pusser’s Rum. It is an excellent rum cake, far better than any other commercially available rum cake on the market.

You can find it here: Pusser’s Rum Cake

new work technology website

WordPress Site: Separate Pages for Different Categories

I recently modified & improved an existing website design to include a complete CMS using wordpress. This page was interesting to create because the client wanted to use different sections to display different categories from blog posts.

Now the client can log-in to the site, create and categorize posts and they will only be shown the designated section.

You can view the website here.